Release The Shackles

Free yourself from your personal prison

7-Day Mental Diet

The 7-Day Mental Diet by Emmet Fox

When we notice what we’re thinking, it can be pretty surprising. When I started doing this, I was surprised to learn that I was blaming my unhappiness on people and conditions in my life without realizing that I was creating these conditions based on what I was thinking.

Do you expect the best outcomes, or do you dread people and confrontations? Do you put your attention on what’s wrong or what’s going well or is good? Who or what is to blame for your discontent? I knew about the law of attraction, got the daily quote from Esther Hicks, and consumed book after book by Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Don Miguel Ruiz, and Emmet Fox to name a few, and even went to New Thought churches. I thought I understood that my thinking created my reality, but I never really examined my thoughts.

As it turned out, I had some pretty stinkin’ thinkin’. And one of the ways I figured this out was by doing Emmet Fox’s 7 Day Mental Diet. It’s a weeklong program where you notice everything that you’re thinking. And if you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, you catch yourself by saying “CANCEL CANCEL” and replace the negative thought with a positive one. If you fall off and really dive into a negative thought, you notice it and begin the 7 days again after a day or two of contemplation tells you you’re ready to try again. The mental diet actually trains you to focus on better thoughts; your life can’t help but improve.  And the emotions you feel from thinking better thoughts are powerful indicators for what’s on your horizon. And remember, the emotions you feel as a result of negative thoughts are just as powerful.

But if you’re going to do the 7 Day Mental Diet, give it your best shot. Take it seriously. The whole idea is to learn something that will improve your life from the inside out. Go beyond recognizing that your thoughts create your circumstances to watching it actually play out. You’ll begin to understand how you are where you are. “Aha” moments are yours for the taking when you notice what you’re thinking. You can get the 7 Day Mental Diet most anywhere and read it in under an hour. I have the booklet, but you can download it here:

pdf of 7-day mental diet – Search (

In fact, it’s time for me to do this again, so I think I will read the booklet and pick a time to start. I’ll let you know how it goes.